Dues statements have been mailed out. They are due no later than January 31st. If you need to make payment arrangements, please contact us prior to the above date, and email is preferred.
Pet Cleanup
If you have a pet, please be responsible when taking them on walks and clean up after their waste. The common areas are becoming littered with signs of our furry friends, and now when the kids are in the grassy areas they are running into these “landmines” more frequently. Please make sure any children walking pets are also aware of the responsibility to clean up. If everyone does their part, and maybe picks up one extra bag while they’re already out, the common areas will be clean again in no time. We appreciate everyone taking responsibility for maintaining our community.
Enforcement Policy
A copy of the new Enforcement Policy was recently sent out. While our mission will still be to work with residents as much as we can, the community needs a way to address situations when all efforts have been exhausted. The policy is now in effect, and is posted online for reference. Please make sure you understand the rules and regulations of the community.
Upcoming Events
May – Pool Opening
Categorized in: Newsletter
This post was written by Arbor